Labo-cer was established in Spezzano di Fiorano Modenese:

Labo-cer arose in Via Antica Cava, 11 in Spezzano di Fiorano, in the province of Modena.
Here, in 1997, the foundations were laid for a craft company serving ceramics and third firing. The launch plan consolidated the provision of a test press for sizes and structures that were difficult to manufacture;

In 2000, it focused mainly on expanding its machine park.

Four Sacmi presses and an industrial firing kiln were added and installed. Attentive to a changing market that demanded greater flexibility and showed a strong tendency to reduce inventories.

Evolving with the market, the company tooled up: it expanded its machine park by adding one press per year, arriving in 2005 with a total of eight presses.

Despite the bite of the global crisis, and even more so despite the tragic death of the chief technician and founder Aldino Fornaciari, the owners decided to invest in the company and its capabilities by doubling the premises and production facilities.

Production Plant

Today, this production plant has 12 presses, 2 industrial kilns working three shifts, 4 hours a day, producing an average of 35,000 special pieces per day.

Our headquarters in Fiorano Modenese offers us many crucial advantages, This place has been the beating heart of the Italian ceramic industry for decades, and is renowned for its traditional craftsmanship and technological innovation. This privileged position gives us direct access to a vast network of suppliers and partners in the industry, in an environment that is always on the cutting edge.