Quality Policy

(par. 5.2 ISO 9001:2015)

Labo-Cer Srl is responsibly and tangibly committed to all the parties concerned, to:

  • Supply products in the areas of tactile porcelain flooring that fully meet customer requirements and expectations;
  • Identify in continuous discussion with in-house technicians, and through technical interfaces with customers, but also with consultants and industry professionals, the best solutions to improve competitiveness and product performance;
  • Monitor that the critical stages of the above products take place under controlled conditions, both from a technological and safety point of view, to ensure that the result meets customer requirements;
  • Optimise the monitoring of processes and related costs to achieve a congruous profitability that guarantees business continuity and, thus, all interested parties such as customers, employees, suppliers and the network of direct collaborators;
  • Operate in the context of identifying and mitigating risks related to the company’s activities.

The parties concerned are identified by systematically monitoring the context of Labo-Cer Srl and are as follows:

  • The customers
  • The employees
  • The shareholders and owners
  • The Suppliers
  • Associations issuing sector guidelines

This high-priority commitment is mainly expressed in the willingness to responsibly involve all personnel, increasing their skill and awareness, and on the need to guarantee a work always aimed at the pursuit of continuous improvement of Labo-Cer Srl‘s competitive performance.

The Management, therefore, undertakes to take an active role in the guiding promotion of all activities that have a positive influence on the impact that Labo-Cer Srl can generate on the competitive environment that surrounds it, through the dissemination of the improvement goals on all levels.

The objectives are consistent with the context analysis carried out by the company to identify the interested parties, their needs and expectations, and the risks facing Labo-Cer Srl (threats to be faced and opportunities to be seized).

The following objectives and commitments are set annually and disseminated to the responsible personnel via the ‘Risk Analysis’ prospectus referred to and disseminated via the Management Review:

  1. the complete satisfaction of its customers and all interested parties in general;
  2. ensuring the availability of resources;
  3. continuous process and product improvement;
  4. the full satisfaction and continued growth of all people;
  5. improving the organisation’s efficiency;
  6. compliance with obligations relating to commitments entered into with the interested parties, the mandatory requirements of the sector in which it operates and the principles of UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.

Management is committed to achieving these objectives by ensuring that every human resource is aware of and strives for them.

The general objectives are expressed in specific objectives and measurable by means of a structural framework included in the Management’s Review of the Quality System (the ‘Objectives – Processes – Indicators – Monitoring’ prospectus). This framework allows quality objectives to be defined and reviewed.

Management redefines and assigns objectives during the Quality System Review. It disseminates them to the entire organisation on this occasion.

The Quality Policy (reviewed, confirmed or updated as part of the Management Review) is implemented on a daily basis by all personnel and under the constant attention and supervision of the Managing Director.

The General Management

(in the person of Roberto Fornaciari)